What is Fibonacci Sequence?
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, usually starting with 0 and 1.
It is named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci, who introduced the sequence to Western mathematics in his book “Liber Abaci” in 1202.
The Fibonacci sequence typically begins with the numbers 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is generated by adding the two previous numbers. The sequence starts as follows:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …
Here’s how the sequence continues to develop
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 2
1 + 2 = 3
2 + 3 = 5
3 + 5 = 8
5 + 8 = 13
8 + 13 = 21
13 + 21 = 34
And so on…
Definition of Fibonacci Search
- Fibonacci Search is an algorithm used to locate a specific element within a sorted array or list with Fibonacci numbers.
- It is based on the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …) that I said it earlier.
- The key idea is to use the Fibonacci numbers to define two pointers ‘left’ and ‘right’, within the array, which are then adjusted based on comparisons with the target element until the element is found or it is determined that the element does not exist in the sorted array.
- Fibonacci Search method is yet another elimination method where a portion of the input array is eliminated.
- Fibonacci Search is known for its time efficiency, typically having a time complexity of O(log n) for searching in sorted datasets, making it suitable for large arrays or lists. However, it requires the data to be sorted in ascending order for effective operation.
Algorithm for Fibonacci Search
1. Input a sorted array A[i] with n numbers
and target element which we want to search for.
2. Start by generating a series of Fibonacci
numbers until you find a number that is greater
than or equal to the length of the array.
F(k) >= nÂ
Example – if n = 10
Then, fibonacci sequence we have is
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, because 13 >= 10.
3. If F(k) = 0, then stop and print the message
as element not found.
4. Name a variable “offset” = -1
5. Check index i = min(offset + F(k-2), n-1)
6. Compare
If Target Element = A[i],
return i and stop the search
If Target Element > A[i],
k = k-1, offset = i,
repeat step 5 and 6.
If Target Element < A[i],
k = k-2, repeat step 5 and 6.
How does it work?
- Suppose you have a sorted array and you want to find the number `15`.

- Generate the Fibonacci sequence where F(k) >= n = 11.

- F(k) ≠0, then search continues
- Make a variable ‘offset = -1’.
Iteration 1 Â
Check i = min (offset + F(k-2), n-1), where k = 7, offset = -1, n = 11
               i = min ( -1 + 5, 10)
               i = min (4, 10) = 4
Compare the Target Element to Sorted Array
- Target Element = 15, A[4] = 9
- Do k = k-1, offset = 4 and again check for i.
Iteration 2
Check i = min (offset + F(k-2), n-1)Â where k = 6, offset = 4, n = 11.
               i = min (4 + 3, 10)
               i = min (7, 10) = 7
Compare the Target Element to Sorted Array
- Target Element = 15, A[7] = 15
- Search is successful and return i = 7, the index of the sorted array in which we found Target Element.
Source Code for Fibonacci Search
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to perform Fibonacci Search
int fibonacciSearch(int arr[], int n, int target) {
   // Generate Fibonacci numbers until F(k) >= n
   int fibk_minus_2 = 0; // F(k-2)
   int fibk_minus_1 = 1; // F(k-1)
   int fibk = fibk_minus_1 + fibk_minus_2; // F(k)
   while (fibk < n) {
       fibk_minus_2 = fibk_minus_1;
       fibk_minus_1 = fibk;
       fibk = fibk_minus_1 + fibk_minus_2;
   // Initialize variables
   int offset = -1; // Offset for the index
   int i;
   // Perform Fibonacci Search
   while (fibk > 1)
       // Calculate the index to be checked
       i = (offset + fibk_minus_2 < n – 1) ? offset + fibk_minus_2 : n – 1;
       // Compare with the target element
       if (arr[i] == target)
           return i; // Element found, return its index
       else if (arr[i] < target)
           // Move left in the Fibonacci sequence
           fibk = fibk_minus_1;
           fibk_minus_1 = fibk_minus_2;
           fibk_minus_2 = fibk – fibk_minus_1;
           offset = i;
           // Move two steps left in the Fibonacci sequence
           fibk = fibk_minus_2;
           fibk_minus_1 = fibk_minus_1 – fibk_minus_2;
           fibk_minus_2 = fibk – fibk_minus_1;
   // If the target element is not found, return -1
   return -1;
int main()
   int n, target;
   // Input the array size
   printf(“Enter the number of elements in the sorted array: “);
   scanf(“%d”, &n);
   int arr[n];
   printf(“Enter the sorted array elements:\n”);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       scanf(“%d”, &arr[i]);
   // Enter the Target Element
   printf(“Enter the target element to search for: “);
   scanf(“%d”, &target);
   // Call the Fibonacci Search function
   int result = fibonacciSearch(arr, n, target);
   // Check and display the result
   if (result != -1)
       printf(“Element %d found at index %d\n”, target, result);
   } else
       printf(“Element %d not found in the array\n”, target);
   return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Function to perform Fibonacci Search
int fibonacciSearch(vector<int>& arr, int target)
   // Step 1: Generate Fibonacci numbers until F(k) >= n
   int fibK_minus_2 = 0; // F(k-2)
   int fibK_minus_1 = 1; // F(k-1)
   int fibK = fibK_minus_1 + fibK_minus_2; // F(k)
   while (fibK < arr.size())
       fibK_minus_2 = fibK_minus_1;
       fibK_minus_1 = fibK;
       fibK = fibK_minus_1 + fibK_minus_2;
   // Step 2: Initialize variables
   int offset = -1; // Offset for the index
   int i;
   // Step 3: Perform Fibonacci Search
   while (fibK > 1) {
       // Step 5: Calculate the index to be checked
       i = (offset + fibK_minus_2 < arr.size() – 1) ? offset + fibK_minus_2 : arr.size() – 1;
       // Step 6: Compare with the target element
       if (arr[i] == target)
           return i; // Element found, return its index
    else if (arr[i] < target)
           // Move left in the Fibonacci sequence
           fibK = fibK_minus_1;
           fibK_minus_1 = fibK_minus_2;
           fibK_minus_2 = fibK – fibK_minus_1;
           offset = i;
           // Move two steps left in the Fibonacci sequence
           fibK = fibK_minus_2;
           fibK_minus_1 = fibK_minus_1 – fibK_minus_2;
           fibK_minus_2 = fibK – fibK_minus_1;
   // Step 4: If the target element is not found, return -1
   return -1;
int main()
   int n, target;
   // Step 1: Input the array size and target element
   cout << “Enter the number of elements in the sorted array: “;
   cin >> n;
   vector<int> arr(n);
   cout << “Enter the sorted array elements:” << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       cin >> arr[i];
   cout << “Enter the target element to search for: “;
   cin >> target;
   // Step 2: Call the Fibonacci Search function
   int result = fibonacciSearch(arr, target);
   // Step 3: Check and display the result
   if (result != -1)
       cout << “Element ” << target << ” found at index ” << result << endl;
       cout << “Element ” << target << ” not found in the array” << endl;
   return 0;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class FibonacciSearchÂ
  // Function to perform Fibonacci Search
  public static int fibonacciSearch(int arr[], int target)Â
    int n = arr.length;
    // Generate Fibonacci numbers until F(k) >= n
    int fibkMinus2 = 0; // F(k-2)
    int fibkMinus1 = 1; // F(k-1)
    int fibk = fibkMinus1 + fibkMinus2; // F(k)
    while (fibk < n)Â
      fibkMinus2 = fibkMinus1;
      fibkMinus1 = fibk;
      fibk = fibkMinus1 + fibkMinus2;
    // Initialize variables
    int offset = -1; // Offset for the index
    int i;
    // Perform Fibonacci Search
    while (fibk > 1)Â
      // Calculate the index to be checked
      i = Math.min(offset + fibkMinus2, n – 1);
      // Compare with the target element
      if (arr[i] == target)Â
        return i; // Element found, return its index
      else if (arr[i] < target)Â
        // Move left in the Fibonacci sequence
        fibk = fibkMinus1;
        fibkMinus1 = fibkMinus2;
        fibkMinus2 = fibk – fibkMinus1;
        offset = i;
        // Move two steps left in the Fibonacci sequence
        fibk = fibkMinus2;
        fibkMinus1 = fibkMinus1 – fibkMinus2;
        fibkMinus2 = fibk – fibkMinus1;
    // If the target element is not found, return -1
    return -1;
  public static void main(String[] args)Â
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
    // Input the array size
    System.out.print(“Enter the number of elements in the sorted array: “);
    int n = scanner.nextInt();
    int[] arr = new int[n];
    System.out.println(“Enter the sorted array elements:”);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)Â
      arr[i] = scanner.nextInt();
    // Enter the Target Element
    System.out.print(“Enter the target element to search for: “);
    int target = scanner.nextInt();
    // Call the Fibonacci Search function
    int result = fibonacciSearch(arr, target);
    // Check and display the result
    if (result != -1)Â
      System.out.printf(“Element %d found at index %d%n”, target, result);
      System.out.printf(“Element %d not found in the array%n”, target);
# Function to perform Fibonacci Search
def fibonacci_search(arr, target):
   # Step 1: Generate Fibonacci numbers until F(k) >= n
   # F(k-2)
   fibK_minus_2 = 0 Â
   # F(k-1)
   fibK_minus_1 = 1 Â
   # F(k)
   fibK = fibK_minus_1 + fibK_minus_2 # F(k)
   while fibK < len(arr):
       fibK_minus_2 = fibK_minus_1
       fibK_minus_1 = fibK
       fibK = fibK_minus_1 + fibK_minus_2
   # Step 2: Initialize variables
   # Offset for the index
   offset = -1 Â
   # Step 3: Perform Fibonacci Search
   while fibK > 1:
       # Step 4: Calculate the index to be checked
       i = min(offset + fibK_minus_2, len(arr) – 1)
       # Step 6: Compare with the target element
       if arr[i] == target:
           return i # Element found, return its index
       elif arr[i] < target:
           # Move left in the Fibonacci sequence
           fibK = fibK_minus_1
           fibK_minus_1 = fibK_minus_2
           fibK_minus_2 = fibK – fibK_minus_1
           offset = i
           # Move two steps left in the Fibonacci sequence
           fibK = fibK_minus_2
           fibK_minus_1 = fibK_minus_1 – fibK_minus_2
           fibK_minus_2 = fibK – fibK_minus_1
   # Step 4: If the target element is not found, return -1
   return -1
# Input the array size and target element
n = int(input(“Enter the number of elements in the sorted array: “))
arr = []
print(“Enter the sorted array elements:”)
for _ in range(n):
target = int(input(“Enter the target element to search for: “))
# Call the Fibonacci Search function
result = fibonacci_search(arr, target)
# Check and display the result
if result != -1:
   print(f”Element {target} found at index {result}”)
   print(f”Element {target} not found in the array”)
Time Complexity of Fibonacci Search
- In the best-case, the target element is found at the very beginning of the search process, typically after only a few comparisons. The best-case time complexity is O(1), as the algorithm may find the target element with just a single comparison.
- The average-case time complexity of Fibonacci Search is O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the sorted array. On average, the algorithm efficiently reduces the search space by approximately half in each comparison, similar to binary search. This is achieved by using the Fibonacci sequence to determine the positions to check.
- The worst-case time complexity of Fibonacci Search is also O(log n). While it may seem surprising, the worst-case occurs when the algorithm repeatedly moves two steps left in the Fibonacci sequence. Even in this scenario, the search space is effectively reduced, leading to a logarithmic time complexity. This worst-case behavior is still significantly more efficient than linear search (O(n)) for large datasets.
Space complexity of Fibonacci Search
- The space complexity of the Fibonacci Search algorithm is O(1), which means it uses a constant amount of extra space for variables regardless of the size of the input array.
- This constant space usage is due to the fact that the algorithm maintains a fixed number of variables to store indices, offsets, and Fibonacci numbers during the search process. The space required by the algorithm does not grow with the size of the input array, making it space-efficient even for large datasets.
Advantages of Fibonacci Search
- Efficient for searching in sorted arrays.
- Logarithmic time complexity, making it fast for large datasets.
- Minimal memory usage (O(1)).
- Adaptable by adjusting Fibonacci numbers.
- In some cases, it is faster than binary search.
Disadvantages of Fibonacci Search
- Requires the array to be sorted.
- Complex to implement compared to linear search and binary search.
Applications of Fibonacci Search
- Fibonacci Search can be used in search engines and database management systems to quickly locate documents, records, or entries in sorted collections.
- Library databases often store books, journals, and other resources in sorted order. Fibonacci Search can help users find specific titles or authors efficiently.
- Economic data, such as stock prices or financial records, is frequently sorted. Fibonacci Search can assist in finding historical data points or specific financial information.
- Geographic data, such as maps and spatial information, is often sorted by location or coordinates.
- Some data compression algorithms utilize Fibonacci sequences to represent compressed data efficiently.
- When a data packet needs to be routed to a specific destination, the network router or switch must perform a lookup in the routing table to identify the appropriate route. Fibonacci Search can be employed to efficiently search within the sorted routing table.
Test Yourself
Q1- In Fibonacci Search, why do we generate Fibonacci numbers until F(k) is greater than or equal to the length of the array? What would happen if we used a fixed value of k instead?
We generate Fibonacci numbers until F(k) is greater than or equal to the length of the array to ensure that the search covers a range that includes the entire array.
If we used a fixed value of k, the algorithm might fail to find elements located at the end of the array, as the search range would be limited. This dynamic approach ensures that the entire array is considered during the search.
Q2- Fibonacci Search is known for its time efficiency. Can you explain a scenario where Fibonacci Search might be less efficient than linear search?
Fibonacci Search can be less efficient than linear search when the target element is located near the beginning of the array.
In this case, linear search would find the element with just a few comparisons, whereas Fibonacci Search might require more comparisons due to its logarithmic nature.
Q3- Can you explain why the Fibonacci Search algorithm is considered “adaptive” in its search behaviour?
Fibonacci Search is considered adaptive because it dynamically adjusts its search range based on the Fibonacci sequence. As it compares elements, it adapts its search direction to move closer to the target element.
This adaptability makes it efficient in scenarios where the target’s position is not known in advance and allows it to perform well in various search scenarios.
Q4- Explain the concept of the Fibonacci sequence and how it is related to the Fibonacci Search algorithm.
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, …).
In Fibonacci Search, this sequence is used to define indices within a sorted array for efficient searching. The algorithm compares the target element with the element at the Fibonacci indices to narrow down the search.
Q5- What is the time complexity of the Fibonacci Search algorithm in the best, average, and worst cases? Explain.
In the best, average, and worst cases, the time complexity of Fibonacci Search is O(log n). This efficiency arises from the algorithm’s ability to reduce the search space by approximately half in each comparison, similar to binary search.
Q6- Describe a scenario where Fibonacci Search might outperform binary search.
Fibonacci Search can outperform binary search when the target element is closer to the beginning of the sorted array.
This is because Fibonacci Search starts with smaller indices and progresses toward the end, which can lead to faster results in such cases.
Q7- Explain the concept of offset in the Fibonacci Search algorithm and its significance.
In the Fibonacci Search algorithm, the concept of “offset” is a critical element used to optimize the search process. The offset represents an index within the sorted array and serves as a starting point for comparisons during the search. It has significant significance in controlling the movement and efficiency of the algorithm.
Q8- What is the role of the offset variable in the Fibonacci Search algorithm?
It stores the target element.
It tracks the number of iterations.
It determines the starting point for comparisons.
It calculates the Fibonacci sequence.
Ans – (3)
Explanation – The offset variable in Fibonacci Search helps optimize the search process by specifying where to begin comparisons in the array.
Q9- What is the space complexity of the Fibonacci Search algorithm?
O(log n)
O(n log n)
Ans – (3)
Explanation – The space complexity of Fibonacci Search is O(1), indicating constant space usage.
But in recursive fibonacci search, the space complexity is O(n) because we make recursion tree and the height of recursion tree is n.Â
                     /    \
                  F(k-1)   F(k-2)Â
                  /   \     /  \
               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
               F(2) F(1)  F(2) F(1)  F(2) F(1)
Q10- In which real-world scenario might Fibonacci Search be useful?
Analyzing unsorted data in a spreadsheet
Searching for a contact in a phone book
Sorting a large dataset
Generating random numbers
Ans – (2)
Explanation – Fibonacci Search can be efficient for searching in sorted collections like a phone book.
Q11- What is the Fibonacci sequence primarily used for in computer science and mathematics?
Generating prime numbers
Calculating square roots
Sorting algorithms
Modeling growth and sequences in various fields
Ans – (4)
Explanation – The Fibonacci sequence is used in computer science and mathematics to model growth, sequences, and patterns in various natural and artificial systems.