This theorem is the extended part of the master’s theorem. If running time in a recurrence equation has a part of log n, then, by this theorem, we can solve the problem.
T(n) = aT(n/b) + nk*logpn,
where a ≥ 1, b ≥ 1, k ≥ 0, p is any real number.
(1) If a > bk, then T(n) = θ(nlogba)
(2) If a = bk,
-> (a) If p > -1, then T(n) = θ(nklogp+1n).
-> (b) If p = -1, then T(n) = θ(nkloglogn).
-> (c) If p < -1, then T(n) = θ(nk).
(3) If a < bk,
-> (a) If p ≥ 0, then T(n) = θ(nklogpn).
-> (b) If p < 0, then T(n) = O(nk).
Questions for solving recurrence problem
Q9 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = T(n/2) + log n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 1, b = 2, k = 0 and p = 1
Now, Case 2 applies because a = bk
-> a = 1, bk = 20 = 1
Value of p is 1, means it should be in the case of p > -1.
-> T(n) = θ(nklogp+1n).
-> T(n) = θ(n0log1+1n).
-> T(n) = θ(log2n).
You can check the answer by iterative method.
Q10 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n/log n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 2, b = 2, k = 1 and p = -1
Now, Case 2 applies because a = bk
-> a = 2, bk = 21 = 2
Value of p is -1, means it should be in the case of p > -1.
-> T(n) = θ(nkloglogn).
-> T(n) = θ(n1loglogn).
-> T(n) = θ(n*log2n) = θ(n*logn*logn).
You can check the answer by iterative method.
I will give you some other examples so that you can understand easily.
Example 1 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n/log2 n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 2, b = 2, k = 1 and p = -2
Now, Case 2 applies because a = bk
-> a = 2, bk = 21 = 2
Value of p is -2, means it should be in the case of p < -1.
-> T(n) = θ(nk).
-> T(n) = θ(n1).
Example 2 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n/log0.5n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 2, b = 2, k = 1 and p = -0.5
Now, Case 2 applies because a = bk
-> a = 2, bk = 21 = 2
Value of p is -0.5, means it should be in the case of p > -1.
-> T(n) = θ(nklogp+1n).
-> T(n) = θ(n1log1-0.5n).
-> T(n) = θ(n*log0.5n).
Example 3 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = 8T(n/2) + n2log2n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 8, b = 2, k = 2 and p = 2
Now, Case 2 applies because a > bk
-> a = 8, bk = 22 = 4
Only one case applies
-> T(n) = θ(n^logba).
-> T(n) = θ(n^log28).
-> T(n) = θ(n3).
Example 4 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = T(n/2) + n2log2n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 1, b = 2, k = 2 and p = 2
Now, Case 3 applies because a < bk
-> a = 1, bk = 22 = 4
Value of p is 2, means it should be in the case of p ≥ 0.
-> T(n) = θ(nklogpn).
-> T(n) = θ(n2log2n).
I think you understand the extended master’s theorem very well. But the tricky part is that it can also solve the master’s theorem problem.
Question numbers 6 to 8 can also be solved by the extended master’s theorem.
Q6 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = T(n/2) + n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 1, b = 2, k = 1 and p = 0
Now, Case 3 applies because a < bk
-> a = 1, bk = 21 = 2
Value of p is 0, means it should be in the case of p ≥ 0.
-> T(n) = θ(nklogpn).
-> T(n) = θ(n1).
Q7 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 2, b = 2, k = 0 and p = 0
Now, Case 2 applies because a = bk
-> a = 2, bk = 20 = 1
Value of p is -1, means it should be in the case of p > -1.
-> T(n) = θ(n^logba).
-> T(n) = θ(n1).
Q8 – Find the time complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n.
Apply Extended master’s theorem.
In this equation, a = 2, b = 2, k = 1 and p = 0
Now, Case 2 applies because a = bk
-> a = 2, bk = 21 = 2
Value of p is 0, means it should be in the case of p > -1.
-> T(n) = θ(nklogp+1n).
-> T(n) = θ(n*log n).