Computer Network

Computer Network Books

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The most popular and knowledgeable author is Behrouz A. Forouzan. This is a standard book and if you are a student of graduation than you can buy “Data Communication & Networking” book. This book is very simple. It is available on Amazon, and there is a link below.

Data Communication by Data Communication by Behrouz A. Forouzan

Second book is the Advanced Computer Network. It is also from B. A. Forouzan. If you are a student of Post Graduation or you are studying for placements, then you can buy this book. This book is simple and very effective in your learning. 


Computer Network by Behrouz A. Forouzan

Third one is the author A. Tannenbaum. The book name is Computer Networks, which is published by Pearson.

It is a reference book. B. A. Forouzan said there are 4 layers in the TCP/IP model but A. Tannenbaum said there are 5 layers in the TCP/IP model. Both are correct, but in India most of the colleges follow B. A. Forouzan.

Computer Network by A. TannenbaumComputer Network by Tannenbaum

Now there is an Indian author Dr. Sanjay Sharma. You can cover computer network from this book. Its publisher is Katson Book.


Computer Network by Sanjay Sharma